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Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
It's not that long ago that buying, selling, carrying, fishing, storing, building and measuring were reliant on a basket be it homemade or bought from a professional basket maker, life depended on them.
There is great satisfaction in planting a cutting of willow, watching it grow, harvesting it and then weaving it into something both beautiful and functional. I use traditional techniques of willow basketmaking whilst exploring new ideas and forms.
Leaves, stems, grasses and rushes growing all around us provide an unlimited natural resource each one with its unique qualities and beauty. Techniques include looping, coiling, twining and plaiting.
Honoured to be a Yeoman Member of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers.
Member of the Scottish Basketmakers' Circle (SBC), the Basketmakers' Association (BA), the Heritage Crafts Association (HCA) and the Heckleburn Quines (HQ); an artist and makers' collective based in Banchory, Aberdeenshire (

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